when I logged on, gate camping was already under way. Intel was arranged, bubbles were placed, kills were scored, but nothing impressive. Our man
MR 10 had a nice run, picking off
pods before we could even lock them, much to my chagrin! This solo Talos kill was undoubtedly his personal highlight of the evening.
two of our scouts spoke up. A sizeable hostile HBC fleet jumped into V-3YG7 and it was unclear
whether it would it go to GE-8JV or come our way. The other scout reported a 4th District
fleet, consisting of about a dozen ships, sneaking up on us from the other
side. What to do.. we were contemplating our options, when the HBC fleet moved
into GE and outside of our immediate area of interest, so we focused on the 4th
district fleet instead. Unfortunately, at this moment I had to leave the PC for
a short while.. and when I returned, it was chaos!
While I was
afk, EzSnake undocked his Chimera
carrier, with the intention of using his fighters to overcome the three (yes,
three) Scimitars the hostiles brought. But the 4th district gang
didn’t warp to the gate as expected, they warped to station instead and proceeded to bump
the carrier off the station before it could dock again! Slowly but surely
EzSnake drifted away from the safety of the station, and as for the nature of
his comments on TeamSpeak.. let’s just say I was happy my son wasn’t listening in
anymore :-)
But there
was still hope. It seemed the enemy didn’t have enough firepower to break the
Chimeras’ tank, which gave us a moment to calm down and contemplate our
options. Counting the ships available to us we knew it would be difficult to
break the hostile logi, but we had to try. On the FC’s signal, we mass undocked
(or warped in from outside, depending) and began shooting the first Scimitar.
To no avail, we didn’t have enough firepower on the field to break them,
just as they couldn’t break our carrier tank. Still, they did considerable
damage to our kitchensink fleet; I lost a Ferox I’d
just bought a few hours ago. A couple of other battlecruisers were also lost,
but nothing major fortunately. Anyone not pointed docked up again or warped
out. So what now?
Frankly, by
this time I was expecting a PL hotdrop or something like that. I don’t know if
4th district has a batphone to them or anyone else for that matter,
but if I were them I’d be looking for the extra dps to finish our Chimera which
they obviously couldn’t break by themselves. Something had to break this
stalemate! At that moment an alliance mate picked up on our fight (via alliance
chat), and he casually mentioned he was with a nice -A- fleet four
jumps out. Could we use some help? Why yes we could! Sensing we could turn the
tide here, we reshipped and waited for our allies to arrive. As soon as local began to
spike with blues, we again mass undocked, this time going for the kill. EzSnake
called targets, calling a Lachesis primary. I burned my Merlin towards him as
fast as I could and quickly pointed him before he got out. But then another FC
took over, and targets were switched: Scimitars and Drakes were killed.. and
all the time I was orbiting the Lachesis at 500 meter, keeping it pointed and
nibbling away at his shield tank with my guns.
the hostiles didn’t want to lose the Lachesis, and after a while I was targeted
by what remained of the hostile fleet. Frantically I typed in fleet chat that I
still had the Lach pointed, and pretty please with sugar on top.. kill it! Now!
Luckily, after about thirty seconds, the FC obliged, and after I had kept it pointed for a few minutes the Lachesis finally exploded. I am very proud of that kill, I’ve never had something tackled for
so long, waiting for others to move in and kill it.
I had been
so focused on tackling this Lachesis and keeping it pointed, that I hadn’t paid
any attention to the rest of the fight at all. It turns out -A- brought around
two dozen Tornados; more than enough to turn the fight upside down and break
the stalemate. And with a sigh of relief, EzSnake docked his carrier!
Good fights
were exchanged in local. And a good fight it was, with - for us - a happy
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