Sunday, March 23, 2008

Too late to this party

Apparently U2 performed in Second Life once, somewhere in early 2006. I missed this completely at the time, probably because I wasn't actively participating in SL yet.
For those who missed it too: the Youtube video is here.


Unknown said...

Incorrect. U2 has never performed in SL. At the beginning of the video you link to there is a disclaimer that states "U2inSL is a role playing group which exists in support of the One campain[...] no money is being made. The group is not affiliated with the real U2."

The poorly chosen name has caused many ppl to assume U2 is actually IN SL. Wrong.

It's a bunch of U2 fans who made avatars and animations to look like U2, DJed a set of the real U2's music (as far as I can tell) and I guess donated tips to the charity campaign.

Maria Wingtips said...

Ah, thanks for the clarification. I noticed the disclaimer, but I thought that pertained to the SL group U2inSL, not the video itself!